20 June 2024


Discovering the World of Cybersecurity:

From Niche Sector to Widespread Priority for All Companies

Why is cybersecurity so important?

Few other areas have gone as quickly as cybersecurity, from being a topic of interest for a few to a continuous focus of common attention and the mainstream media.

Are all cyber-attacks so sophisticated?

When this happens, the adjective most commonly associated with cyber-attack is ‘sophisticated’. But are these attacks always very sophisticated and difficult to intercept? Or do we have means, technologies and solutions that can still protect us?
To answer this question, both offensive and defensive cybersecurity techniques are covered in Cyber Journey, illustrated directly by the best professionals who develop and use them daily.

Why Cyber Journey & OWASP Day?

“Cyber Journey 2024” is an opportunity to continue travelling through this fast-growing sector, to understand the trends and dynamics that drive it, and to become aware of the technological tools, policies, and regulatory instruments needed to ensure adequate protection of all those assets, tangible and intangible, that may be subject to attack.
During Cyber Journey we will give ample space to the theme of software security, a pivotal theme in IT security given that software applications have become central to practically any work or leisure context.
To do this, Cyber Journey will host an OWASP Day, promoted by the Italian chapter of OWASP, which represents the absolute reference point for software security worldwide.

Can I be a Cyber Journey speaker?

Absolutely. To stimulate interest in the themes of application and software security, and of the solutions and initiatives adopted within organizations, the OWASP Italy Chapter is promoting a Call for Talks open to anyone who would like to propose a speech. Speeches will be selected, and those accepted will be included in the event agenda.

Useful references:

Call for Talks & Submission Link – https://easychair.org/cfp/CJ24

Deadline: 5 May 2024

Notification of acceptance: 12 May 2024

Purpose of event


Cybersecurity skills training to help an increasingly ‘connected’ society protect itself


Sharing knowledge from leading professionals in the field by promoting the exchange of ideas in this constantly evolving world.


This event aims to inspire and reflect on the new scenarios and challenges presented by the cybersecurity market.





H. 15,15 – 16,00


H. 16,00 – 16,15


H. 16,15 – 16,45

Cybercrime in Italy: trends in the first 6 months of 2024

Domenico Raguseo

Head of CyberSecurity & (Digital) Infrastructure

Exprivia S.p.A.

H. 16,45 – 17,15

Ransomfeed: project and methods of analyzing the ransomware threat

Dario Fadda

Security Researcher and founder of:


H. 17,15 – 17,45

Designing Security Software: The path towards safety, efficiency and reliability

Guido Mureddu

Director of Engineering

Pluribus One

H. 17,45 – 18,15

Coffee Break

H. 18,15 – 19,15

Deterministic GenAI Outputs with Provenance

Dinis Cruz

Founder The Cyber Boardroom

Chief Scientist Glasswall

vCISO and GenAI expert

H. 19,15 – 19,45

Template Engines Security Assessment: Mitigating Server-Side Template Injection Risks

Lorenzo Pisu

Ph.D. Student  University of Cagliari

CTF player Srdnlen

H. 19,45 – 20,15


Federico Loi

Software Security Consultant

IMQ Minded Security

H. 20,15 – 21,00


H. 21,00 – 21,30

Enhancing API Security through Large Language Models: A Novel Approach for Detecting BOLA Vulnerabilities

Alessio Dalla Piazza



H. 21,30 – 22,00

Backdoor in XZ Utils library –Why we need to talk about it

Domenico Caldarelli

Head of Cybersecurity

H. 22,00- 22,15

Final greetings and start of the Networking Session

To learn about previous editions, click the buttons below!

Don’t miss it!

Book you seat !!


Domenico Raguseo

Head of CyberSecurity & (Digital) Infrastructure

Exprivia SpA

Dinis Cruz

Founder The Cyber Boardroom

Chief Scientist Glasswall

vCISO and GenAI expert


Head of Cybersecurity

alessio dalla piazza



lorenzo pisu

Ph.D. Student  University of Cagliari

CTF player Srdnlen

dario fadda

Security Researcher and founder of


Guido mureddu

Director of Engineering

Pluribus One

federico loi

Software Security Consultant

IMQ Minded Security


The event will be held on 20 June 2024 at:

 Frontemare, Cagliari (Sardinia)


Sponsor Platinum


Sponsor Gold

Sponsor Bronze

Thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Chapter of ISC2, the event was accredited as useful for obtaining CPE credits for maintaining professional certifications